In the world of a fairy tale

Duration: 1-1.5 hour

For: pre-school children, young pupils and families
Place: educational room
Moderator: head of educations E. Petrauskaitė

Location: the Museum of Prienai Region, 13 F. Martišiaus St, Prienai

Visiting timea visit can be prearranged by calling +370 656 37554

Minimum number of participants: 5

Fee: 2 euro for children, pupils and students; 3 euros for adults

In the world of a fairy tale, children will not only be acquainted with the most popular Lithuanian fairy tales but will also discover that fairy tales are more than true. During the educational program you will be listening to fairy tales, act them and draw them.


A fairy tale is a work of art. It liberates both the creator’s and the listener’s mind



We use elements from fairy tales to help children understand the world better. Yet, something that a child cannot understand will be wrapped in miracle.