What the sculptures of the Household Museum of Šilavotas tell


Duration: 1 hour (may vary according to the needs of the visitors)

For: 1-6 grade pupils

Veda: museology specialist D. Lincevičienė


Location: The Household Museum of Skriaudžiai, 11 Lašašos St, Naujasodis village, Šilavotas Parish, Prienai Distric Manucipality

Visiting time: a visit can be prearranged by calling +370 687 24394

Fee: 2 euro for children, pupils and students; 3 euros for adults


During this  educational program, participants will be introduced to wooden sculptures depicting saints created by folk artists. The aim of this activity is to introduce the participants with Christian iconography, contemporary Lithuanian folk art, the historical identity of the country and to develop the cultural and heritage awareness of young people. Participants of the program will admire the sculptures displayed on the track from The Household Museum of Skriaudžiai to Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Šilavotas.