The Museum of Prienai Region






13 F. Martišiaus St, Prienai

+370 319 60379 (the administration of the museum)


Business hours


Wed to Fri between 9.00 to 18.00
Sat, Sun between 10.00 to 16.00
Days off: Mon, Tue


The museum is closed during the following holidays


If you wish to visit the museum at any other time, call +370 319 60379.





In the exposition of ethnography and folk art, you will find the most valuable

ethnographic and folk-art exhibits.



“It is true to say that in days of yore the aesthetic external world of a people would manifest itself in the form of fabric and song” (P. Galaunė). We fervently hope that this exposition of ethnography and folk art will help you live out the true meaning of this quote.



Prienai region of present days is a certain exceptional area in terms of the history of post-war battles. This is the territory where the borders of three partisan districts, namely Tauras, Dainava and Didžioji kova, met. This exposition of a partisan life is a humble means of remembering and paying homage to those whose patriotism and blood protected Lithuania.



“As if you felt the smell of blood, you sense the attacked animal’s fear and willingness to defend itself.  You’re gingerly stepping on a place where a wounded soldier might have been lying. You look around – isn’t anyone lurking for you to shoot you?” (A. Antanavičius).



The oeuvre of Justinas Marcinkevičius is presented in an interactive exhibition.



In the history of the building (Cloakroom) exposition, you will get to know the personalities of the house, which now houses the museum, owners Cezaras and Ana Pšemeneckiai.



Here you can listen to the memories of the medical staff previously working in this building and the students of Pšemeneckis, you can also participate in the quiz and sit in the dentist's chair that was in previous times.

Here you can listen to the memories of the medical staff, who previously worked in this building, and the students of Pšemeneckis, you can also participate in the quiz and sit in the dentist’s chair that was used in those times.



In the exposition of priest Juozas Zdebskis you will get to know one of the most famous personality of the priest Juozas Zdebskis, who was 20th century post-war dissident and fighter for the rights of believers. The story of the dissident activity of priest Juozas Zdebskis will allow you to experience what was the Soviet system of those times, the activities of KGB agents. Here you will find J.Zdebskis’ memorial items, clothes, letters.





Here you can listen to the memories of Archbishop S. Tamkevičius, participate in the quiz, listen to recordings of retreats by J. Zdebskis.