Weave and wind, my hands

Duration: 1-1.5 hour

For: young and middle-aged pupils, youths aged 16 to 20, families, and elderly people

Place: similar to an authentic nineteenth-century Lithuanian peasant house

Monitor: head of educations E. Petrauskaitė

Location: the Museum of Prienai Region, 13 F. Martišiaus St, Prienai

Visiting time: a visit can be prearranged by calling +370 656 37554

Minimum number of participants: 5

Fee: 2 euro for children, pupils and students; 3 euros for adults

Educational activity:

Programme participants will be introduced to one of the old crafts in Lithuania, weaving, and the oldest type of clothes, ribbons. During this activity, you will learn to weave or wind your own ribbon, which you may use as a book marker or a bracelet.


Ribbons are the oldest type of Lithuanian folk art cloths. As far as it is known, people used to weave them in the whole ethnographic territory of Lithuania.



The technique of and tools for weaving ribbons are so simple and straightforward that they still come as a surprise nowadays. More than five ways of weaving ribbons are known.