What happens with flax until it reaches a loom
Duration: 1-1.5 hour For: younger and middle-aged pupils and families Place: similar to an authentic nineteenth-century Lithuanian peasant house Moderator: head of educations E. Petrauskaitė, educator L. Vasiliauskaitė | Location: the Museum of Prienai Region, 13 F. Martišiaus St, Prienai Visiting days: a visit can be prearranged by calling +370 656 37554 Minimum number of participants: 10 Fee: 2 euro for children, pupils and students; 3 euros for adults | Programme participants will be introduced to the benefits of flax and see what has to be done to turn this outdoor plant into an elegant figured cloth (participants will be invited to try doing some of these activities themselves). In addition, the practical use of flax and its importance in customs and rituals will be discussed. |
Flax hides, flax dresses people up, flax plays cupid and arranges weddings
Sowing, pulling-up, threshing, treading, swingling, teasing, spinning, and weaving – all this has to be done to turn this outdoor plant into an elegant figured cloth |